Enhance your learning today

Enhance your learning today

Enhance your learning today

Access multiple AI tools all-in-one

You know to never trust just one source, so why would you ever just trust one AI chatbot? With Backplain, you can use multi-chat to generate and compare answers across a wide range of popular chatbots.

Build your own study resources

Tired of not knowing how to prepare for an upcoming exam? Don't worry, you can use Backplain to create study guides, flashcards, and even practice tests!

Train chatbots with your content

With file uploads, you can use Backplain in conjunction with your notes to better understand classroom content, review assignments, and more!

Customize your AI toolkit

Not interested in every chatbot? With Backplain, you can customize the tools you use in multi-chat to include the chatbots that work best for you.

Why choose Backplain?

More Robust

Any AI model can make mistakes. Comparing answers quickly across models gives you a helpful sanity check

Improved Flexibility

In case of one model crashing, you have easy access to a toolkit of other models

Better Decision Making

Make more informed and thoughtful decisions when you can compare responses across different models instead of just relying on one

Why choose Backplain?

More Robust

Any AI model can make mistakes. Comparing answers quickly across models gives you a helpful sanity check

Improved Flexibility

In case of one model crashing, you have easy access to a toolkit of other models

Better Decision Making

Make more informed and thoughtful decisions when you can compare responses across different models instead of just relying on one

Why choose Backplain?

More Robust

Any AI model can make mistakes. Comparing answers quickly across models gives you a helpful sanity check

Improved Flexibility

In case of one model crashing, you have easy access to a toolkit of other models

Better Decision Making

Make more informed and thoughtful decisions when you can compare responses across different models instead of just relying on one

Trusted by Students at Top Universities

Trusted by Students at Top Universities

Trusted by Students at Top Universities

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us at info@backplain.com or contact us.

How does Backplain work?

Backplain gives you all-in-one access to multiple AI chatbots (large language models) like ChatGPT. With our helpful tutorials, you can quickly get started using all of these chatbots to help you with learning.

Are the questions I put into Backplain secure?

Rest assured, we take your data security seriously. Our robust measures ensure that your information is kept safe and secure at all times.

Why shouldn't I just stick with ChatGPT?

When you need advice, would you always just go to the same person for help? By only sticking with ChatGPT, you end up restricting your learning. But with Backplain, you get a wide range of AI chatbot resources!

How can Backplain help my business?

Explore all the ways Backplain can help you with your business needs on our features page!

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us at info@backplain.com or contact us.

How does Backplain work?

Backplain gives you all-in-one access to multiple AI chatbots (large language models) like ChatGPT. With our helpful tutorials, you can quickly get started using all of these chatbots to help you with learning.

Are the questions I put into Backplain secure?

Rest assured, we take your data security seriously. Our robust measures ensure that your information is kept safe and secure at all times.

Why shouldn't I just stick with ChatGPT?

When you need advice, would you always just go to the same person for help? By only sticking with ChatGPT, you end up restricting your learning. But with Backplain, you get a wide range of AI chatbot resources!

How can Backplain help my business?

Explore all the ways Backplain can help you with your business needs on our features page!

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us at info@backplain.com or contact us.

How does Backplain work?

Backplain gives you all-in-one access to multiple AI chatbots (large language models) like ChatGPT. With our helpful tutorials, you can quickly get started using all of these chatbots to help you with learning.

Are the questions I put into Backplain secure?

Rest assured, we take your data security seriously. Our robust measures ensure that your information is kept safe and secure at all times.

Why shouldn't I just stick with ChatGPT?

When you need advice, would you always just go to the same person for help? By only sticking with ChatGPT, you end up restricting your learning. But with Backplain, you get a wide range of AI chatbot resources!

How can Backplain help my business?

Explore all the ways Backplain can help you with your business needs on our features page!

Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make AI work for you.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make AI work for you.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make AI work for you.